
Genetically modified foods-转基因食品







The most contentious than the current world "nuclear" and "genetically modified food", and today I can talk about genetically modified food. For genetically modified food we are no stranger to the word, it seems very early aversion to genetically modified food people, especially in the oil, and soybean oil sold in supermarkets is now part of non-GM foods labeled, which proved that it is pure soybean oil , not the subject of all genetically modified soybean oil, so we carefully remember, we are not always eating genetically modified food?

In fact, the production of genetically modified foods because of the prevailing world food problem, more than 60 million people around the world, the unequal distribution of food is a common phenomenon, the Americans occupied the world's largest food, while Africa is the extreme lack of food, so scientists developed a genetically modified crops, GM crops have many benefits, such as resistance to pests, drought, increase production and so on, because the generation of transgenic technology, the world food problem will be solved gradually.

However, we do not know genetically modified foods on human destruction, some experiments show that used genetically modified food, rats will produce infertility in humans has not been confirmed, however, GM food there is great insecurity, and perhaps to After decades of proven, if the consumption of GM foods and lead to human infertility, then the genetically modified food will be the human race, therefore, the drawbacks of genetically modified foods than good.

In fact, solve the food problem starting from the root of poverty and unbridled growth is causing the most fundamental cause of the food problem, therefore, can not simply rely on relief food and genetically modified to resolve the problem. Starving in Africa and other areas of the implementation of population control, economic development, mainly out of poverty, family planning, to protect all food to eat, if allowed to multiply, do not meet the survival of the fittest theory of biological evolution, it seems that this lack side of human nature, but there is no human presence in the biosphere, and biological reason why the strong survive and multiply, totally dependent on natural law, or themselves become powerful, become rich or otherwise, the species will become extinct, human true that is not it?

Finally, I want to emphasize is that I do not want human large extent on GM foods, it is after all a high-risk technology, in future huge damage is irreversible, and in no genetically modified foods before the advent of human life, a more natural, really wants the state's emphasis on genetically modified food on human major irreversible damage.

PS: real capital of Europe and the Americans do not eat their own production of genetically modified foods, what does this mean? GM and nuclear energy have a similar place?

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